Small Works #3 - Calvino

My pieces are a combination of works of 2D and 3D designs.

~Water Factory~

6 Water Bottles 




•Black Spray Paint 


The sculture is monochromatic, with shades of grays blacks and whites. The over all sculpture is pretty geometrical. In this piece the connection between the over all message and the materials used to create the actual piece are direct. The use of water bottles to portray a water factory, uses the outcome of the fabricant to explain and represent the origin of the object it self. The cotton gave me the opportunity to bring motion to my piece, and the gray tones in it the feeling of toxic air that people wouldn't want to experience. The monochromatic tones convey an industrial, not natural, man made vibe that suits the over all mood of the piece. The mood and sense of place conveyed in my work came from Sophronia's description directly seens i wanted to present the Industrial side of this city, by making a direct connection between material and its origen form, from the Industrial Side of the City.

~Child's Balloons~



•Thin Ropes

•Acrylic Paint 

•Latex Balloons 

This piece is actually my first time working with clay. I used strings attached to a hand that hold together 6 balloons. The strings are black and the 6 balloons different colors. The hand is colorful as well and the colors dont have an specifically rhythm to them. In this piece I used the latex balloons as a direct representation of Ballons that you would kids hold in a fair. When I think of balloons the word fun just pops into my mind. I often see children in fairs type of environments enjoying life to the fullest with colorful balloons. The colors in the piece are brigth, vibrant and almost overwhelming , as i often observed in fairs.  The city of Sophronia has a beautiful side to it that brings joy to the people and my piece does a good job portraying that feeling and sense of place. The color the representation of children and balloons bring the fun of Sophronia to live.  

~Pollution Car~

•Tin foil

•Tacky Glue


With this piece I wanted to portrait how human interaction can affect our enviroment. Cars are a wanderful example of how humans chance the enviroment around them to accommodateto their necessities. When I read the description of the Industrial side of Sophronia the first thing that popped into my mind was cars as i often see how they fit in an industrialized society. This piece its made out of thin foil for the car frame and wheels and white glue for an effect of transparency in the windows and smoke of the wheels. The use of material in the piece was used with the intention of creating the effect of shiny and metal structures we offen see in industralization. Also the repetition of  the monochromatic spectrum seen in thr first piece. 

~Cotton Candy~



•Watercolor paper 


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